In the next two weeks, you should receive in the mail a St. Ann Annual Giving brochure. The purpose of the annual giving is for parents, grandparents, alumni, parishioners, faculty, and friends to help strengthen and support St. Ann and its educational programs, professional development, community projects, and facilities.
Annual Giving is a fundraising activity designed to stimulate regular giving. Annual giving is important for many reasons, including it: (from CASE: Council for Advancement and Support of Education)
- Provides income both for specific projects and unrestricted funds,
- Establishes giving habits and enable patterns of giving to be tracked,
- Establishes a donor pipeline, enabling the identification of donors with the potential capacity and propensity to give bigger gifts in the future,
- Increases donor participation rates,
- Helps improve and keep data about prospects up to date,
- Is a great stewardship tool,
- Helps reinforce core messages about an institution,
- Helps identify the enthusiasts who might be leaders or significant volunteers and
- Strengthens the bonds between an institution and it prospects
2. Database- A good database can help us streamline fundraising, be more donor centered, and raise more support for St. Ann. Our database will help track donations, including annual giving.
That's why our development committee has been working closely with Jeff Blankenship of Blankenship Creative to develop our direct mailing piece, which will be going out this next week. (http://blankenshipcreative.com/) Jeff produced our direct mailing piece as a donation to St. Ann. I'm anxious for you to see our good work.
Development is an important aspect of the existence of any non-profit. Non-profits that don't value the development (also called Advancement), will not exist very long.
Look at the websites of successful schools (universities, high schools, and elementary schools). A commonality is of an investment in a development team. The most successful have a development army, not just one or two people.
As for me, I love Catholic Schools. I hope to never see another Catholic School in our diocese shut its doors to students and their families. If we do not do the development work that's needed and support the schools, we will only have ourselves to blame if we fail.
For a successful St. Ann both today and in the future, let us work together. Support Catholic Education starting with our own St. Ann Catholic School.
God bless you,
Didier Aur, Principal
St. Ann Catholic School
ReplyDeleteThanks. I want our St. Ann folks to know what is going on with Annual Giving, and how important they are to the success of the school.