Sunday, October 28, 2018

CPR Does Work!

Mass at His Way Retreat Center
Thanks to the Bartlett Fire Department, all St. Ann staff members have been CPR certified. Never ever thought that exactly one month to the day we were certified we would be using that CPR training to save a life. We were taught that CPR would pretty much only work if you administer CPR immediately and not 5 or 10 minutes after it is needed. Basically, you have to be there when the crisis occurs.

Fr. David Knight
On Friday, we had our staff retreat day at His Way Retreat Center in Frayser with Fr. David Knight. Fr. Knight was his usual great self. We enjoyed his presentations all morning long. At noon, we celebrated Mass together before lunch.

During Mass, Fr. Knight continued his presentation through the Mass. Right before he consecrated the host and wine, he said, "If I pass out, please make sure you receive communion." We all thought that was a pretty bizarre thing to say. Consecration took place, Fr. Knight sat down, and passed out. As he was falling from the chair, several St. Ann staff members ran up and caught Fr. Knight before he hit the ground, and carefully laid him down. Abe Abuelouf quickly took Fr. Knight's pulse, and could not find a pulse. Abe is an anesthesiologist who teaches our 8th grade confirmation class. Taking a pulse and checking for vital signs is an every day thing for him. If he could not find a pulse, there was something terribly wrong taking place.

Gathering Before the Retreat
Abe quickly started applying some serious chest compressions to shock Fr. Knight's heart into starting up again. About five of our staff members were right there on the ground surrounding Fr. Knight making sure his air-passage was clear, and probably praying. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. I went outside to find the address for His Way Retreat Center. Our CPR training kicked in for all of us.

After several chest compressions, Fr. Knight opened his eyes. His pulse was weak but his heart was beating. Abe continued to monitor his pulse and blood pressure. Slowly, Fr. Knight started to become more alert, getting some of his color back, and he was covered in sweat. This was no ordinary school spiritual retreat day.

If you are going to need CPR to keep you alive, what better place to be than in a chapel with 20+ people certified in CPR. I am extremely proud of the St. Ann staff members for using what they have been taught and reacting so quickly in a crisis situation.

Fr. Knight refused to go to the hospital. He was feeling a little bit better but still extremely weak. That's when a few of our staff members reminded the group what Fr. Knight had said before passing out. He said, "If I pass out, please make sure you receive communion." So, Annmarie Ghio and Priscilla Williams served as our Eucharistic ministers, and we all received communion.

Mass with Fr. Knight
Garibaldi's Pizza catered our lunch that day. Mike Garibaldi delivered the food for the retreat and stayed around to celebrate Mass with us. He was there for the ordeal. I think Mike was the first one to realize Fr. Knight was passing out and yelled, "Catch him!" So many people reacted so quickly that Fr. Knight was caught and gently laid to the ground. I was on the other side opposite of Fr. Knight. I was able to see the whole thing taking place. It was a wow moment in so many ways.

Mass at His Way Retreat Center
Part of having a great retreat is having great food. Since lunch was there (thank you Garibaldi's) and Fr. Knight was feeling better, we proceeded to lunch while a group of folks led by Abe continued to monitor and comfort Fr. Knight. Pasta, ravioli, pizza, spinach, and salad! What a treat. After what took place earlier, sharing a little down-time together was much needed.

We decided to end the retreat after lunch. Everyone pitched in to clean up the chapel, dining room, and kitchen. Someone fixed a big plate of Italian food for Fr. Knight and put it in the refrigerator so he would have some dinner once he was ready to eat.

Retreat with Fr. Knight
I called Fr. Knight Saturday morning to check on him. He was upbeat and extremely happy. He ate the dinner we left him and was feeling strong. He said that even his cold was gone. I told him his cold was gone because of all the prayers coming his way from St. Ann. He agreed with that.

Anna Slattery made a big to-go food package of pizza, bread, bagels, cream cheese, and chocolate for the Missionaries of Charity on Keel Avenue. After the retreat, I took the food over to them. They were so happy especially for the chocolate. I learned many years ago that if no one takes them food, they don't eat. They told me it was providential (heaven-sent) if they had food. Their providential meal that evening was courtesy of St. Ann. If you don't know the Missionaries of Charity, you are missing out on an incredible religious experience. Try walking in their shoes for one day. I've done it. I'm not strong enough to do it much more than one day.

Our Breakfast Table
Back to Fr. Knight. Before leaving, we monitored Fr. Knight for the next couple of hours. We slowly got him to his room. He lives at His Way Retreat Center. His pulse was still weak but slowly improving. Abe and I stayed with Fr. Knight waiting for his doctors to call back, which they all did. He is scheduled to see his doctors on Monday. We had the chance to just sit back and share time together. Fr. Knight actually taught Abe and me at CBU. It was good to be together again. Fr. Knight felt will enough to walk to the kitchen and brew a cup of coffee. He said he wanted a cup of coffee and to get some sleep. After Fr. Knight went to bed, Abe and I closed up His Way.

Abe said to me that he thought Fr. Knight was gone when he could not find a pulse. I texted Abe Friday night and told him that "You saved a life today. You are a hero." I love Abe's response. "Oh...! Please...! As I was putting my 200 pound weight on his chest I was praying with every pump on his chest, oh God..please not now!"

Abe is a hero as are all the St. Ann staff members who were there to help, pray, serve communion, support, and went through the CPR certification course. The Bartlett Fire Department personnel who trained us are heroes. Amy Fielder from Bartlett City Schools is a hero because she agreed to pay for our staff to be trained in CPR.

Fr. Knight was disappointed he could not finish our spiritual retreat. He hopes to come out to St. Ann at a later date to finish what he started. He had nothing but great things to say about our team. And, I agree with him 100%. We have a great team at St. Ann. I wouldn't trade them for moon rocks, pixie dust, or a 3-legged chihuahua (It is an inside joke). Just like the folks at Dunder-Mifflin, we are a family. We came together when it was most important to do so.

End of a Long Day
Abe went to Mass this morning at the Poor Clare's Monastery as did Amanda Bannister and her family. Abe texted this to me a little while ago: "He (Fr. Knight) is doing wonderful, he gave a great homily. I enjoyed seeing and talking to him."

I met Fr. Knight back in the mid-90's when I used to go out to His Way Retreat Center during the CBHS senior retreats. I was one of the retreat leaders. CBHS seniors still hold their senior retreats at His Way. I would also bring my students from Helias Catholic in Jefferson City, MO for mission trips to Memphis. The first two trips, we were guests of Fr. Knight at His Way. My Missouri students got to meet Fr. Knight and loved him, especially his explanation of the Mass.

Glad Fr. Knight is going to be around for a bit longer. Well, he has to finish our retreat! I hope the spiritual retreat part II is a bit more boring. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Amen!

God bless you,
Didier Aur, Principal
St. Ann Catholic School

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