Sunday, July 9, 2023

Getting Out of a Rut

Biking at Crystal Bridges
In life, we can sure get into ruts. When we work too much and don't make enough time for ourselves, it is easy to get into a routine where you work all day then come home and do little to nothing until it is time to go to sleep so you can do the same thing the next day. And then, doing nothing becomes a safe and easy habit. For part of this year, I was in that rut of working from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, coming home to do some more work on the computer and then going to bed. I stopped doing the things I love to do like reading, playing soccer, and riding my bike. I wasn't even going to the gym to workout on the elliptical machine. On the elliptical machine, I can put on a podcast or music and mindlessly get in a good workout.

Excuses have been plentiful. I knew I needed to make a habit change. I figure I have about 18 years left on Earth and probably with not all those being quality and healthy years. It was time for a change because I don't want to be Garfield.

I enjoy reading Dynamic Catholic books. When I knew I needed to get out of the rut I put myself in, I received an ad from Dynamic Catholic about a book by Kate Volman called Do What You Love. Figured that was just what I needed so I ordered the book. I quickly read the book and took the author's guidance and started doing what I love. The main thing is to not fear or let anyone detract you from doing what you love to do. I also learned that it is not an all or nothing change. Make gradual changes so there is a better chance that the changes become habit and the habit grows. 

I'm one of those people who when I decide to do something, I go all out and want to make changes instantly and see results immediately. Those changes tend to be short lived, then I'm back to where I started. Set small goals and work to slowly attain those goals. My goals have been simple and I haven't made them like ultimatums such as I'm going to ride my bike 30 miles every day or I'm going to lose 10 pounds this week.

Elliptical at EMAC

The first change is to not come home and do nothing. Start off by not bringing home the computer every day. I will workout on the elliptical machine for 30-45 minutes at a lower setting instead of 60-minutes at a higher setting. I will read a few pages of a book instead of a few chapters at a time. I will finish 15th in Duolingo instead of the top 5. I'll be just fine and enjoy myself while doing whatever it is I'm doing. 

Another change that I've made is to listen to motivational podcasts. I came across a podcast called ReThinking with Adam Grant. One of his podcasts featured James Clear, author of Atomic Habits. That was just the podcast I needed to hear. I ordered the book and it is next on my reading list. Once again, make small changes and improvements just like an atom, small.

I'm re-reading Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly. This is another book that can help give you a little motivation in life. I have extra copies in my office if you would like a copy.

All this to say that we need to make an effort to be happy and enjoy our lives. No more making excuses. My super-competitive self doesn't need to always win or not compete at all. I just need to live life in a happy and enjoyable way.

So, if you are in a rut and need someone to talk with, please feel free to reach out to me. I'm not the shining example of how one should live their life, but I am taking baby steps to get myself out of this rut I'm in. And one of the ways out of the rut is by simply sharing with you through this blog.

God bless you and love,

Didier Aur


  1. Deacon Ted SchreckJuly 9, 2023 at 7:15 PM

    Thank you for the inspiring message. And some great book recommendations I recently got a bicycle for Father’s Day and hoping to ride at least 2 to 3 times a week. Thanks my friend.

  2. Great, truthful commentary on your own life.
    Very applicable to many of us; good suggestions as well !

    Thank you and God be with you.

  3. Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly - read that book (and others from him) - it's true, we can create holy moments every day. Nice blog post teammate.

    1. I need to come out to Colorado for a visit and bike ride, but not sure I can handle the elevation.

  4. I love this! Small changes equal big outcomes! I too have gotten into a rut, so this blog was just what I needed to hear!
