7th Graders in Ocean Springs |
Today's blog might be a little shorter than usual. We will see how the writing goes. We got back from the 7th grade trip to Ocean Springs, MS late on Friday. I spent much of Saturday just getting caught up, and spent time today working. So, this doesn't leave much time for writing a blog since it is 8:30 pm already and tomorrow will be a long day with the start of the Advanc-ED accreditation process for the Catholic Schools of our diocese. I will need to get to work extra early tomorrow just to organize the day before everybody shows up.
Dissecting Sharks |
At today's 11:30 Mass, Fr. Bill gave us a lesson on the parable of the Prodigal Son. When I was working on my Master's in Catholic Studies, my classmates and I broke down this parable because there are so many lessons to be learned from this one parable. What Father spoke about I had never heard, and I appreciated the lesson he taught us. His underlying question to this parable is what joy do you bring to others?
What joy do you bring to others? This question had me thinking about what joy I bring to others because as much joy as people bring into my life, I hope I'm doing the same for others.
Just this week alone, I was able to spend Tuesday through Friday with many of our 7th graders on our trip to the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Ocean Springs, MS. The students and instructors brought much joy into my life as we learned about the aquatic life of the Mississippi Sound. I didn't even know there is a Mississippi Sound with its brackish waters providing a nursery for the Gulf of Mexico. I'm hoping that adventures such as these for our students will lead to the development of scientists and researchers who will make a positive difference for all of God's creation.

People brought much joy to my life on Saturday as well. Got to spend the day with Kelley, my wife, as we attended Mass at St. Michael with Fr. Ben Bradshaw. We wish him happiness and success on his trip to Our Lady of Lourdes in France. I asked him to say a special prayer for my mother and my mother-in-law while at Lourdes. What mother wouldn't appreciate prayers for them at Lourdes! Fr. Ben brought joy into my life.
Zac Brown Band |
Saturday evening, Kelley and I were treated to the Zac Brown Band concert at FedEx Forum. What an incredible concert. They put on a show like I've never seen before. All the musicians in the band were beyond extremely talented. They have perfected their skills and talents through years of practice and performing. I never imagined musicians as talented as these guys. Hearing their songs on the radio is one thing, but seeing them live is a whole nother world. I hope to one day be as great a school administrator as they are musicians. The Zach Brown Band brought joy into my life. I've been singing their songs all day.
Keep Me In Mind.
Boating in the Mississippi Sound |
I do bring joy to others, but that is not always the case. Being a lead administrator doesn't mean I'm always the nice guy. When the ship is off course or listing, it is usually up to me to straighten the ship. Most of the time, this can be accomplished by communicating and working together. But some times, I have to make some hard decisions that don't bring joy to others. That's part of being the leader. The funny thing is that once things are straightened out, joy is usually a by-product.
What joy do you bringing to others? Are you the type that finds joy first or looks for a reason to complain first? Do people gravitate to you or avoid you? Are your stories happy or sad? Do you avoid drama or are you the center of drama? Do you find yourself smiling for no reason at all? Do you stand to greet people? Answer for yourself the question posed by Fr. Bill: What joy do you bring to others? If you do bring joy, thank you. You make the world a better place.
Student Spotlight:
Cassie Harmon |
On March 22nd-23rd, the Rainbow National Dance Competition West Memphis Regionals took place. Cassie Harmon, fifth grader in Ms. Metaxas' class, performed in three dance routines and was honored with multiple high awards, two All Star invites, and an invitation for Dancer of the Year Nationals. Cassie receive three Double Platinum awards and had the highest score for each of the three routines she and her teammates performed. This was the first time she has ever competed in the intermediate division. She and her teammates placed in the overalls for all 3 of the routines as well. Cassie has earned many more dancing awards that I will feature in future student spotlights.
The accreditation process starts tomorrow. Actually, it started back in June. It is just that the Advanc-ED team will be here to finalize the accreditation. Lori Locke and Jimmy Crews will be representing the St. Ann parents at the accreditation meeting. Prayers on the success of this process are much appreciated.
God bless you,
Didier Aur, Principal
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