Teresa Ferrante, LIFE Teacher |
We are excited to announce the hiring of a LIFE teacher to join our St. Ann family. Well, in this case, our new LIFE teacher will be rejoining the St. Ann family. Teresa Ferrante is our new LIFE teacher! She is a graduate of St. Ann as well as a parishioner. Miss Ferrante comes from a long line of educators, including her grandmother, Rose Ferrante, who was my son's 2nd grade teacher at St. Dominic. Miss Ferrante received her Bachelor's degree in English from Christian Brothers University, and is working on her Master's in Education also from CBU. What is even better is that Miss Ferrante, as a students at St. Ann, was part of the LIFE program. God surely has his ways. Incredible! Thank you Miss Ferrante for saying yes to teaching at St. Ann. Welcome home!
Cierrah F.
Memphis Catholic Intern |
Starting Monday morning, interns from Memphis Catholic High School, will be working in the school office. Memphis Catholic's internship program known as Education That Works is an incredible program where every high school student at Memphis Catholic has an internship in businesses, corporate offices, hospitals, non-profits, and schools throughout Shelby County. Senior Cierrah F. will work at St. Ann every Monday and rotate every fourth Friday. Junior Anna P. will work every Tuesday and rotate Fridays as well. The sophomore and freshman students have yet to be assigned. I am thrilled that St. Ann will be part of the Memphis Catholic internship program. This will be a great experience for our school, staff, and students. When you come by St. Ann and see our Memphis Catholic interns, please welcome them.
Anna P.
Memphis Catholic Intern |
Morning carpool line is going great. I have two volunteers helping unload the cars in the morning. Having volunteers out there helps make morning carpool much safer and easier, especially with getting all the backpacks, lunches, gym bags, and musical instruments out of the cars. We are there to greet the students, and help everyone start the school day off on a positive note. Thank you volunteers.
After-school carpool line is also going well. Thank you for being patient, lining up properly, and being safe. Here are two huge NO-NOs for any carpool line: 1) DON'T BE ON YOUR CELL PHONE IN THE CARPOOL LINE! 2) DON'T GET IMPATIENT AND CUT THE LINE! Most of the children aren't looking both ways, and they trust all the adults to keep them safe. All it takes is one distracted driver for something really bad to happen. Let's put ALL the students' safety first, and not just the students in your car. Thanks.
John Hisaw, New SAS Parent |
Parents' Night last Thursday evening was pretty cool. It was great seeing so many parents attending this event, and meeting the teachers. We have a plethora of fantastic parents at St. Ann. It is extremely uplifting seeing so many young parents attending Parents' Night. I'm excited to have the opportunity to work with the parents, especially the forward thinking, positive ones. And, most are forward thinking, positive parents. I hear many positive comments about the atmosphere we are creating at St. Ann. It takes all of us working together to not only create but maintain this positive atmosphere. I am grateful you entrust your children to our care.
The role of Home & School is to support the school. One way Home & School raises money to support the school is through selling of apparel in the Spirit Shop. A great way to show off our Colt pride is by wearing SA apparel out in the community. Please stop by the Spirit Shop, and support the school by supporting Home & School.

St. Ann Fall Fest takes place October 19th & 20th. Check out the Fall Fest website at
https://stannfallfest.org/ and Facebook page at
https://www.facebook.com/stannfallfest/. Half of the proceeds from the festival go to support the school. We need to fully support the St. Ann Fall Fest. It is for our parish and our school! We have a St. Ann Fall Fest assembly on Monday at 2:30 in the gym to get the students ready for the Fall Fest. Looking forward to supporting this event.
Thanks to Mike Green for getting the 2nd computer lab up and running. It is great that St. Ann has two fully-functioning computer labs for the students. The students have access to Microsoft and Apple products. They are going to be well ahead of many students from other schools because of the technology available to them. My hope is they learn to code using the PC and Apple, and that they will also be taught Word and Pages, Excel and Numbers, and PowerPoint and Keynote. They will be getting the best of both technology worlds.

We now offer band and choir for 5th-8th grade five-days a week. We have music for PreK-4th grade every other day (A-Day and B-Day schedules). Art and PE are offered to all students every other day. PreK-5th grade also have computer every other day.
If you have participated in the St. Ann band, we want you to come back and play with our current band. Our band director, John Baum, and I want to have a concert where graduates of the St. Ann band participate. We also want to get parents who play an instrument to participate in this concert. If you would like to be a part of this concert, please contact Mr Baum at j
ohn.baum@sascolts.org. Our current band has over 30 students not including our 5th grade band. By the way, we now have a Jazz Band! Mr. Baum is considering taking the band to a band competition in St. Louis, MO. I hope this happens.
There are 50 students in the St. Ann choir! Their first performance of the year was at Mass last Thursday, and they were simply fantastic. Great work Mr. Cooper! Awesome leadership. I cannot wait to hear them in concert. If you want to hear excellence, attend Mass on Thursday mornings at 8:15. Our choir performs at the school Mass.
The 1st Mass of the year for our students took place last Thursday. You already know the choir was excellent. The lectors, servers, and gift bearers were well prepared, and did a great job. Looking forward to Mass next Thursday.
Sr. Connie
Scholarship Winners |
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018 Sr. Connie Passing on the Faith Scholarship. The purpose of the scholarship is to reward students who are formed and grow in the Catholic faith at St. Ann Catholic School. Congratulations to this year's recipients: Channing Gossett (2nd grade), Lexi Morrison (4th grade), and Maria Bair (7th grade).
To those wonderful folks who are stepping up to support the school, thank you! More donations are coming in to help make our school become even better. Donations are also coming in to help families afford a St. Ann education. We even have an alum who now lives in Michigan give a very nice donation to the kitchen renovation. It is his way of saying thank you for what St. Ann did for him. Several donors have signed up to become recurring donors. I love the recurring donations. As an administrator, recurring donations makes my life so much easier in so many different ways. We know the donations will be there to help the students. Please consider becoming a recurring donor in support of St. Ann and our students.
Support St. Ann Catholic School |
Thank you.
God bless you,
Didier Aur, Principal
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