This week's blog is PART 2 of the St. Ann Wish List. PART 1 is still online. CLICK HERE to view the first wish list. Lyrics2Learn Starfall, and 10 of the 20 head phones have all been donated.
If you would like to help the students and teachers with wish list items, you can either purchase them directly and have the item(s) sent to St. Ann or you donate directly to St. Ann and specify where you want your gift directed. CLICK HERE to go to our donation page.
PK-4, Mrs. Harty’s class, would like
to add a Sony
CFDS7-BLK CD/MP3 Cassette Boombox Home Audio Radio. The computer is across
the room from the carpet area, and is too hard to use when Mrs Harty has to
keep going across the room. The religion series for PK has a lot of songs with
it. The class also has a lot of books on cassette tape, which could be utilized
for student learning. The cost for this radio is $60.49 through Amazon.
PK3 would like to have a SUNYAO
Kids Kitchen Step Stool with Safety Rail so the students can safely reach
the sink when washing their hands. The
cost of the step stool with safety rail is $79.99 through Amazon.
Ms. Scarlett, the art teacher, has
added several items to the wish list.
This includes real clay, color sharpies, watercolors, crayons, and
difference sizes of canvases. These items can be purchased pretty much anywhere
from Knowledge Tree to Target to Michael’s. Ms. Scarlett did not specify a
quantity. I’m guessing that we need whatever is given for art class.
The first item on Mrs. Wendenon’s SPARKS wish
list is to develop a classroom library.
A library wish list of books for SPARKS already exists on Amazon. CLICK
HERE to access the wish list. Books range from $5 to $24. The selection is
pretty extensive.

SPARKS students would like to have a class subscription to Mystery
Science A
class subscription is $99 per year.

We doubled the number of students in SPARKS this year. The students are excited and so is the St. Ann staff.
Mr. Gage would like a classroom
set (25 copies) of The
Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The paperback is about $10 through Amazon. He would like to use this book for the 8th
graders. The Alchemist is one of my favorite books. Might have to read it again
the students.

Mrs. Miller’s 4th grade
class would like to have 10 Webster’s Student Dictionaries. Working on reading and writing, the dictionaries will come in handy. It is important for
the students to learn to look up words and definitions instead of just Googling
(Google as a verb). The cost is less than $5 each through Knowledge Tree or Novel for those wanting to shop local.
Mrs. Miller would also like to have
a yearly subscription to Flocabulary. CLICK HERE to see how
Flocabulary works to keep students engaged. If students are not engaged, learning
will not take place. A yearly subscription for the 4th grade class
is $120.

We have a great school, and through your support we just keep getting better. The new school year is off to a great start. Thank you.
God bless you,
Didier Aur, Principal
St. Ann Catholic School